MIL STD- Design to Cost

Keywords cost design to cost military standard


4.1 DTC Program
The contractors shall establish a DTC program to implement the requirements of this standard. The contractor shall institute procedures for managing and documenting the DTC program. As a minimum these procedures shall address program schedules, coordination, and scheduling of DTC tasks between the Government and contractor identification of required input data, the applicable CES, and the CWBS. The DTC program shall be tailored to the specific weapons system with due consideration to risk and program phase.

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1.1 Purpose
This standard prescribes the Design to Cost (DTC) program objectives and requirements for design and development of military systems, subsystems, equipment, and software.Included are:

a) Requirements for making Life Cycle Cost (LCC) elements inherent in the critical functional areas of reliability, logistics, and optimization by using trade-off studies, cost estimation and tracking in the life cycle acquisition process.

b) Requirements for information sharing between Government and industry of data and studies relative to the acquisition and ownership costs of the weapon system.

c) Requirements for relation DTC to the supportability considerations of the deployed system, to logistic support analyses, and to reliability and maintainability studies.

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