Engineering Practice Study- Results Of Detailed Comparisons Of Individual EMC Requirements And Test Procedures Delineated In Major National And International Commercial Standards With Military Standard MIL-STD-461E

Keywords engineering practice study individual EMC requirements MIL STD 461E test procedures

In selecting commercial items (CI) for military purposes one must relate the characteristics of the anticipated electromagnetic environment (EME) to the characteristics of the equipment under consideration. In order to determine whether a CI is adequate for a particular military application, it is necessary to determine which commercial standards are applicable to the equipment, evaluate whether the commercial standards are adequate for the intended applications, and if not, to determine which additional requirements can be imposed, and what they are.

5.1 Decision Process.
Ideally, the overall decision process that should be followed to evaluate the adequacy of any item for an intended military application is illustrated in Figure 5.1. The process is largely similar for both military and commercial equipment. Included in this category are defining mission support requirements, identifying the function (e.g. control, communications, surveillance, navigation) to be performed by the equipment, and defining the operational performance requirements.

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1.1 Purpose.
On June 29, 1994, the Secretary of Defense issued a directive requiring the military to use performance-based requirements in procurements and to apply commercial specifications and standards whenever possible. This guide is intended to aid personnel who procure hardware for the military to assess the suitability of using equipment qualified to commercial electromagnetic interference (EMI)/electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards in specific military applications. This document supports Department of Defense efforts to use commercial items as addressed in DoD 5000.2-R and SD-2.

1.2 Scope.
This document provides the results of detailed comparisons of individual requirements and test methods in MIL-STD-461E with available commercial standards that are the most similar. Differences in limits and test methodology are identified and their potential significance is discussed. Guidance is provided on judging the acceptability of a particular commercial standard for a specific application. Detailed lists of various standards associated with the EMI/EMC areas are included as reference material in appendix B.

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