All Things Brighton - Beautiful!

Keywords all things brighton INCOSE incose uk newsletter
Standards groups

What an International Success! Delegates from twenty
countries, one hundred and seventy new members. The
reach and reputation of INCOSE around the world has
been given a real boost through the quality and success
of this event.

Whilst outside of the Metropole hotel ‘sunny’ Brighton
only lived up to its reputation for part of the time, within
the Metropole things were very sunny indeed. The quality
of the programme was self-evident with over one
hundred and sixty top papers and views from around the
world in thirteen panel sessions. Three plenaries,
eighteen tutorials and the Academic Forum at the
University of Sussex, all contributed to a packed and
exciting programme.

The exhibition opened on the first evening with a
reception for over five hundred delegates, providing a
good start to the main part of the Symposium. This, and
the proximity of all events around the exhibition hall with
refreshments served there, kept the exhibitors happy.
Thirty-five organisations were represented in the
exhibition that occupied fifty booths.

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For once I have very little to say to introduce this
Newsletter. The contributions that follow tell of a highly
successful Symposium that seems to have been
appreciated by those who attended.

It is just as well that other people contributed plenty of
material, because I didn’t get to see much of the event
until the sessions on Thursday. I was closeted with 7
laptops trying to help the presenters get their material
installed correctly. There is always next year, and when I
find time I can read the papers on the CD-ROM.

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