Requirements Process Improvement Through the Phased Introduction of Good Practice

Keywords maturity model requirements requirements engineering requirements management requirements process

To appear in Software Process Improvement and Practice

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The paper "Requirements Process Improvement through the Phased Introduction of Good Practice" by Sawyer, Somerville and Viller provides good insight into the coverage of requirements engineering in SWE capability maturity models around year 2000.

A disappointment of the paper is that it does not attempt to characterise requirements engineering approaches at CMM Levels 4 and 5. The suggestion that practice at such levels does not exist can be challenged.

More detailed pointers to the useful areas this paper may become available in a future update to this website/CDROM.


Current process improvement and maturity models pay little attention to requirements
engineering. Typically, requirements engineering is considered to be a single activity
in the overall development process. Even where this is not strictly the case, the
requirements activities are not elaborated in sufficient detail to permit the derivation
of an improvement plan. This is unfortunate because requirements engineering is
increasingly recognised as a problem. Despite the regular improvement of techniques
for eliciting, analysing, validating and managing requirements, even otherwise mature
organisations repeatedly experience requirements problems. This paper describes a
good practice-based approach to requirements engineering process improvement
which aims to fill the gap left by existing process improvement methods. This distils
practical information from over 60 requirements practices and provides a framework
to help organisations identify their problem areas and deploy the practices most
appropriate to their needs.

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