DoE Handbook- Alternative Systematic Approaches to Training

Keywords approaches to training DoE handbook systematic training

1.1 Discussion

The Department of Energy has ultimate responsibility for the safe, efficient, and economical operation of its facilities. Therefore, the involvement of all affected DOE organizations is essential in the selection of effective and efficient training techniques and approaches. DOE's early and frequent involvement, particularly at the local level, is necessary to ensure that the techniques chosen by the contractor are acceptable and consistent with the Department's goals, policies, and requirements.

Personnel training is the direct responsibility of line management. This handbook discusses alternative techniques that can be incorporated to assist line management in making decisions about resources that are committed to training. The training organization should provide support to line management in implementing the most economical and efficient techniques feasible. Techniques other than those discussed in this handbook can yield satisfactory results and serve the customer's (the line organization) needs. Where possible, alternative approaches that save time and/or money should be used. Grading the more traditional training practices described in DOEHDBK- 1078-94, Training Program Handbook: A Systematic Approach to Training, and DOE/EP-0095, Guidelines for Job and Task Analysis for DOE stNuclear Facilities, contributes to this economy while maintaining a credible and effective training program.

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This guidance has been developed to help organizations establish training programs that are systematic and effective regardless of the size, nuclear hazard classification level, complexity, or mission of the facility. Using alternatives to the more traditional methods of establishing systematic training programs can significantly reduce the time and effort associated with the training process. Alternative approaches streamline analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation of training materials and programs. Alternative delivery mechanisms such as structured self-study, computer-based training (CBT), or interactive video/multi-media should also be considered where appropriate.

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