Summary of Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory (PMEL) Total Quality Program Reviews

Keywords equipment laboratory pmel precision measurement program reviews quality program reviews
Standards groups

Production Control Process Codes

P01 Item received dirty or had physical defects that were not documented
P02 Item received without required documentation, technical data, or accessories
P03 `Item received overdue calibration an excessive amount of time
P04 Item in awaiting maintenance, hold, or deferred status an excessive amount of time
P05 Item’s data not correctly reflected in PAMS database or item part number was not in 33K-1-
100 and an AFTO Form 45 was not submitted
P06 Item remained in awaiting customer pickup status an excessive amount of time
P07 Item not appropriately documented or packaged for off-base shipment

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This report allows the MAJCOM and AFMETCAL Det 1 staffs to monitor and manage the
individual PMEL quality program operations. Monthly summaries of quality program related
information are required from each PMEL. The summaries contain the quantity and the reason
for the defects found during the Reviews performed by the PMEL under the Total Quality
Program. The reason for the defects are assigned specific codes. Table 1 contains those codes
assigned, as well as the type of defect. It also drives some standardization in the input.

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