Structural Design Criteria Report (Helicopters)

Keywords design criteria helicopters report structural report
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Flight loads design criteria, including three views of the helicopter, vehicle physical characteristics descriptions and surface areas, the maximum and minimum gross weights, a weight breakdown of all variable weight items, center of gravity envelopes the specific design conditions selected for detail analysis together with basis for their selection and method of analysis to be used for various maneuver conditions. Discussions of design features which affect determination of critical conditions, sources of aerodynamic data, methods and assumptions to be used in the calculations of aerodynamic loads, design V-n diagrams, rotational velocities and accelerations, temperature criteria, weights and definitions of each, all possible loading configuration, and an altitude-velocity envelope.

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The structural design criteria report documents information necessary to delineate and expand into specific structural terms, the system mission requirements. The purpose of this report is to document these specific structural terms and requirements and to provide a basis for presenting the contractor's interpretation of system requirements for the determination of airtime structural loads and subsequent design.

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