Appendix D: Content Management System: Technical Platform Specification

Keywords appendix d content management system management system technical specification
Standards groups

The PAWC IT Local Area Network infrastructure uses a 3-tier model made up
of Core layer, Distribution layer and the Access layer. The typical user
desktop is connected to the Access layer via 10/100Mbps Ethernet
connection. This in turn is connected to a dual unit in the Distribution layer
via a minimum 1Gbps Ethernet connection. The Distribution layer is
connected to the Core layer via a minimum 1Gbps Ethernet connection that
in turn is connected to Routers for connection to the WAN.

The above is the typical model however it must be noted that some sites,
notably with smaller concentration of users could have the following data flow connections:
• From Access Layer straight to the Router.
• From Access layer to Core layer to the Router.
The data flow connections at the various sites typically ranges from minimum
1 to maximum 3 layers.

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A technical design of the system was done to precisely define how the
system will function in the network based application development
environment and the Microsoft Windows operating environment within

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