Tactical Control System (TCS) to All Source Analysis (ASAS) Interface Design Description

Keywords asas interface design description tactical control system tcs
Standards groups

The major focus of the TCS program is software. The software will provide the UAV operator the necessary tools for computer related communication, mission taking, missions planning, mission execution, data receipt, data processing, limited data, exploitation, and data dissemination. The software will provide a high resolution, computer-generated graphics user interface that enables a UAV payloads with a minimum of additional training.

The TCS will operate in an open architecture and be capable of being hosted on computers that are typically supported by the using service. Software developed will be Defense information infrastructure/Common Operating Environment (DII/COE) complaint, non-proprietary, and the architectural standard for all future tactical UAVs.

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The purpose of the TCS is to provide the military services with the single command, control, data receipt, data processing, data export and dissemination device that is interoperable with the family of all present and future tactical UAVs and Designated C41 systems.

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