Modelling requirements with UML a rigorous approach (Doing requirements well with UML)

Keywords modelling requirements UML requirements modelling
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This section addresses the problem of establishing the precise meaning of requirements modelling. The concepts of Environment and Problem Domain are introduced. The relationship between the Environment and the machine (which is seen as a black box in this phase) is described in terms of “phenomena” that are shared between the Problem Domain and the Machine. Shared phenomena constitute the “interface” between the machine and the environment. The problem domain is defined as the portion of the Environment that is visible by the machine.
The requirements are defined as properties expressed over the Environment and the Machine, while specifications are defined as properties expressed over the interface only.
An example application is used to illustrate the concepts. This example will be used throughout the tutorial in order to illustrate the presented concepts

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The goal of this tutorial is to show how the mentioned rigorous approaches to requirements engineering can be applied in the context of a software development process based on UML. In particular, it is shown how familiar UML constructs (like class and state diagrams) can be used in a disciplined way in the construction of models that represent properly the problem domain, the user requirements, and the specifications of the software system.

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