In addition, MARTE is related to the following other OMG specifications:
• The UML profile for Modeling Quality of Service and Fault Tolerance Characteristics and Mechanisms. This
specification provides, among other things, a generic metamodel for defining different qualities of service and is used
for specifying any such characteristics defined in the MARTE profile.
• The UML profile for Systems Engineering (SysML), which deals with many of the same areas, such as the modeling of platforms and their constituent elements (hardware resources) and the allocation of software to platforms (i.e.,
deployment). In areas where there is conceptual overlap, MARTE is either reuses the corresponding SysML
stereotypes, or defines elements that are conceptually and terminologically aligned with SysML.
• The Executable UML Foundation specification (currently in progress) defines, among other things, a model of
causality for UML that is at the core of various scenario-based analysis methods (such as performance and
schedulability analyses). The MARTE causality model must be fully consistent with the model specified in the
Executable UML Foundation spec.
• The RTCORBA and CCM specifications address issues related to software execution platforms, real-time constraints,
composition mechanisms, etc. i.e. issues that are all in the scope of the MARTE specification. All these computing
platforms may be then considered as specific resources for executing MARTE model-based application.
The following OMG specifications deal with similar subject matter but are not considered relevant to this submission:
• The UML for SoC profile.
• The EDOC UML profile.