Raising the Bar:Equipping Systems Engineers to Excel with DOE

Keywords Raising the Bar:Equipping Systems Engineers to Excel with DOE INCOSE DoE
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Very simple to fit models of the form above (among others) with polynomial terms and interactions, Models fit with ANOVA or multiple regression software,
Models are easily interpretable in terms of the physics (magnitude and direction of effects), Models very suitable for “predict-confirm” challenges in regions of unexpected or very nonlinear behavior, Run to run noise can be explicitly captured and examined for structure.

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educational presentation
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2009-9_Hutto-DOE.ppt application/vnd.ms-powerpoint   7.59 MB English DOWNLOAD!
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At each stage of development, we conduct experiments
Ultimately – how will this device function in service (combat)?
Simulations of combat differ in fidelity and cost
Differing goals (screen, optimize, characterize, reduce variance, robust design, trouble-shoot)
Same problems – distinguish truth from fiction: What matters? What doesn’t?

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