Air Force Systems Engineering Assessment Model

Keywords assessment model systems engineering assessment

The primary purpose of the Air Force Systems Engineering Assessment Model (AF SEAM) is to promote the application and use of standard Systems Engineering (SE) processes across the AF and to improve the performance of these processes through Continuous Process Improvement (CPI). AF SEAM was developed to support both self-assessment and independent validation of systems engineering process implementation. Assessments based on this model should address the practices applicable to the area under examination for both those areas carried out primarily by the acquirer and the acquirer’s SE processes intended to provide insight/oversight of others. AF SEAM is lean by design and is therefore targeted to meet the users need when a more complex/detailed approach (e.g. CMMI) is not required.

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The primary purpose of the Air Force Systems Engineering Assessment Model (AF SEAM) is to promote the application and use of standard Systems Engineering (SE) processes across the AF and to improve the performance of these processes through Continuous Process Improvement (CPI). This is achieved by providing both standard process definitions and an associated set of SE best practices tailored for use by United States Air Force programs and projects. These practices include the activities performed by technical professionals across the AF charged with the responsibilities of identifying, acquiring, testing and sustaining military weapon systems. Combined, these practices form the foundation for SE process discipline that leads to repeatable excellence in product life-cycle management and higher levels of customer satisfaction. The processes and associated practices address acquirer activities as well as activities conducted by the integrator or supplier and other organizations throughout the supply-chain. It is the acquirer’s role to over-see the adequacy of the SE processes and ensure effective implementation of systems engineering. This includes those government processes that have been flowed down and are then delegated to the supplier. The final responsibility for the performance of the processes remains with the acquirer.

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