Developing and Using a Concept of Operations In Transportation Management Systems

Keywords concept of operations transport management systems

The Concept of Operations should be a document available, and relevant, to all stakeholders in the system, no matter what their background or role within the system. In the context of a TMS, it should be as readable and relevant to high-level decision makers as it is to the TMS manager as it is to the TMS operator. The Concept of Operations answers the who, what, when, where, why, and how for the new or existing system.

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What Questions Will the Concept of Operations Answer?

• What – What are the known elements and the high-level capabilities of the system?
• Where – What are the geographical and physical extents of the system?
• When – What is the time-sequence of activities that will be performed?
• How – What resources do we need to design, build, or retrofit the system?
• Who – Who are the stakeholders involved with the system?
• Why – What does your organization lack that the system will provide?

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