The Guide To Lean Enablers for Managing Engineering Programs

Keywords lean lean enablers managing engineering programs

The purpose of this document is to provide suggestions for managers and engineering who want to improve the performance of their programs. The authors jointly collected and synthesized data to provide the best available guidance on how to lead engineering programs to excellence. We strongly recommend reading the entire guide to get and overview of the multi-faceted challenges and solutions that it contains.

The best practices for managing engineering programs, which have been condensed into the lean enablers, are basically 'good sense'. It is expected that this guide will contribute tot making them 'common sense' as well. The Lean Thinking Philosophy was used as the framework to identify those best practices that add value to the program management and systems engineering, as well as those practices that have the ability to integrate the two domains across all functional and organizational boundaries. Lean excels at this and was therefore a natural choice. Lean does not contradict other improvement boundaries. Lean excels at this and was therefore a natural choice. Lead does not contradict other improvement approaches, provided that they too focus on delivering more value for the customer, stakeholders, buyers and users.

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