Oxygen Systems Handbook

Keywords crew systems JSSG oxygen systems

The number and type(s) of aircraft occupants is a basic functional requirement that should be called out in the initial portion of the aircraft oxygen system description. The functional subsystems are given by personnel types that must use the oxygen subsystems. The performance features associated with each of these types of personnel are strongly dependent on the aircraft and its mission. Additionally, the primary equipment groups are listed that may apply to one or more of the functional subsystems. These equipment groups have unique design criteria.

System description. The oxygen system shall support all crew members and other personnel for the normal and emergency intended missions of the aircraft. The oxygen system consists of the following functional subsystems as applicable:

a. Crew breathing system*
b. Paratroop oxygen system
c. Mission specialist oxygen system
d. Aeromedical oxygen system
e. HALO/HAHO oxygen subsystem
f. Passenger oxygen subsystem
g. Emergency crew member oxygen subsystem
h. Manual bailout oxygen
i. Walk-around oxygen assemblies
j. Aircraft fire fighter portable assembly
k. Helicopter emergency egress device (HEED)
l. Aircraft pressure suit provisions

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