Classification & Reference Data Support for MODAF

Keywords data support for MODAF MODAF MODAF data classification

This document reports the findings of an analysis of applicability of the UK Defence Taxonomy (UKDT) and the IDEAS Model to MODAF. In brief, the UKDT is extensive and well-thought-out. It is structured for search and document classification rather than for architectural support, and it is this issue which exercised the majority of the analysis presented in this document.

The UKDT contains much information that is useful to MODAF architects, and would provide an excellent (if not deep) coverage of most architectural elements. MODAF would require that the UKDT be significantly extended, for example, in the area of technical systems, operational activities, platforms and information formats. When this is considered in light of the fact that the UKDT’s structure is not suitable for MODAF, the conclusion is that UKDT contains much that can be re-used, but is not useful to MODAF in its current form. The key issue is one of management. Given that the structure of the UKDT is not suitable for MODAF use, but that much of the content is, an approach to managing an alternativestructure is required. As MODAF is likely to extend the UKDT in the technical subject areas, it is thought best that a MODAF Ontology is established which re-uses the UKDT terms by means of a formal reference (e.g. Dublin Core or MOD Meta-Data Standard). This will inevitably involve regular maintenance to avoid the taxonomies getting out of synchronisation. In the long term, there is a will within CDMA to manage the MODAF Ontology. However, until the CDMA

Information Layer is in place, there is a requirement for an interim governance framework. In addition, this report examines the IDEAS model. There is a will within the MODAF community to adopt the IDEAS model as a replacement for the ERM should it be suitable. As well as the benefit of the IDEAS model being a “from-scratch” design, there is a significant advantage to having a model (and perhaps the upper levels of an ontology) that is common between coalition partners. This report attempts to document MOD’s requirements for IDEAS, from the point of view of IDEAS being used as the top-level of the MODAF Ontology. To meet this requirement, the UK must ensure that IDEAS follows a rigorous, ontological approach. This document also provides a background primer on taxonomy and ontology, the UK
Defence Taxonomy (UKDT) and the IDEAS model.

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