Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System

Keywords integration and development JCIDS

1. Purpose

a. JCIDS plays a key role in identifying the capabilities required by the warfighters to support the National Defense Strategy, the National Military Strategy, and the National Strategy for Homeland Defense. Successful delivery of those capabilities relies on the JCIDS process working in concert with other joint and DOD decision processes. The procedures established in JCIDS support the Chairman and JROC in advising the Secretary of Defense in identifying and assessing joint military capability needs as specified in reference a.

b. The DOD has adopted Joint Capability Areas (JCAs) as its capability management language and framework. JCAs are collections of like DOD capabilities functionally grouped to support capability analysis, strategy development, investment decision making, capability portfolio management, and capabilities-based force development and operational planning. JCIDS
uses the JCAs as an organizing construct. The Functional Capabilities Boards (FCBs) are organized around the tier 1 JCAs and the JCIDS documents link the capabilities identified to the applicable JCAs.

c. The JCIDS process is initiated through the execution of a CBA (Figure A-2). The objective of the CBA is to validate capability gap(s) by providing: identification of the mission; the capabilities required and their associated operational characteristics and attributes; capability gaps and associated operational risks; an assessment of the viability of a non-materiel solution; and a potential recommendation on a type of solution (transformational, evolutionary, or information technology) to be pursued. The results of the CBA are documented in one of two documents. If only non-materiel solutions are recommended or a non-materiel solution can be implemented independent of proposed materiel needs, a joint doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, or facilities (DOTMLPF) Change Recommendation (DCR) is produced. If materiel solutions are to be pursued, an ICD is produced. The CBA is the most common entry point into JCIDS; however, gaps identified through DOTMLPF analysis may also be addressed
through the joint DCR.

Document identifier
CJCSI 3170.01G
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manager's guide
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