Systems Engineering Procedural Requirements

Keywords procedural requirements systems engineering requirements

C.2.1 Product Implementation Process
C.2.1.1 Purpose

C.2.1.2 Inputs and Sources:
a. Raw materials needed to make the end product (from existing resources or external sources).
b.End product design solution definition specified requirements (specifications) and configuration documentation for the end product of the applicable WBS model, including interface specifications, in the form appropriate to satisfying the product-line life-cycle phase exit criteria (from Configuration Management Process).
c. Product implementation enabling products (from existing resources or Product Transition Process for enabling product realization).

C.2.1.3 Outputs and Destinations:
a. Made, bought, or reused end product in the form appropriate to the product-line life-cycle phase and to satisfy exit criteria (to Product Verification Process).
b.Documentation and manuals in a form appropriate for satisfying the life-cycle phase exit criteria, including "as built" product descriptions and "operate-to" and maintenance manuals (to Technical Data Management Process).
c. Product implementation work products needed to provide reports, records, and non-deliverable outcomes of process activities (to Technical Data Management Process).

C.2.1.4 Activities
For the WBS model in the system structure, the following activities are typically performed:
a. Prepare to conduct product implementation to include (1) preparing a product implementation strategy and detailed planning and procedures; and (2) determining whether the product configuration documentation is adequately complete to conduct the type of product implementation as applicable for the product-line life-cycle phase, location of the product in the system structure, and phase exit criteria.

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NPR 7123.1
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manager's guide
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