MODAF Overview of Acquisition Views

The MOD Architectural Framework (MODAF) is being developed as a critical enabler of NEC1, which enables improved interoperability and should realise significant cost avoidance benefits through improved efficiency of the MOD acquisition processes and reduction in the amount of rework required to deliver interoperability and integration. The full rationale behind the development of MODAF and its expected benefits are described in more detail within the MODAF PID and its associated business case. MODAF will be based largely upon best practice, which for defence acquisition is mainly the US Department of Defense Architectural Framework2 (DODAF). However, DODAF was developed over a number of years to meet the needs, organisational structure, doctrine and acquisition processes of the US armed forces and as a consequence is not always ideally suited to MOD needs. Therefore, although many DODAF views will be used as-is, some are likely to be dropped, as mandatory views at least, and others added to supplement the needs of the MOD processes and lifecycle.

Key amongst the MODAF additions will be the Acquisition Views (AcVs) that describe programmatic details, including dependencies between projects and capability integration across the all the Lines of Development (LoDs). These views guide the acquisition and fielding proceses, and support the information provided in associated Strategic Capability Views (SCVs), Operational Views (OVs) and System Views (SVs).

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