MODAF Feedback from Community of Interest Workshops

Keywords community of interest workshops MODAF

The COI workshops also considered suitable potential Pilot projects for MODAF e.g. projects that could trial some of the MODAF views and provide feedback on how to develop these views and their utility within the pilot project’s processes. The intent was to develop a reasonably small number of MODAF pilots that gave as complete as possible coverage of the MODAF views, represented both business and battlespace and covered the entire acquisition lifecycle.

To assess the viability of candidate pilots the COI workshops were asked to consider a number of factors that included:
· CADMID stage – pre-CADMID, C, A, D, M, I, D
· Existing use of Architectures on a range from 0 (nobody aware of an Architectural approach) to 5 (everybody understands the Architectural approach and uses where appropriate)
· Whether the Project has 2004/5 funding for architectural activities
· Whether the Project is in the business space, battlespace or spans both
· The possible degree of near term benefits from 0 (little near term benefit possible from AF application) to 5 (excellent near term benefit possible from AF application)
· Likely team receptiveness from 0 (team likely to be closed to new methods at present eg too busy) to 5 (team likely to be very receptive eg open to new methods, timing is good)
· Clarity of boundaries from 0 (poorly defined boundaries with environment / other systems/IPTs) to 5 (clearly defined boundaries with environment / other systems/IPTs).

MODAF pilots should be selected to cover as much of this space as possible - including some where implementation is likely to prove more difficult. It is only by fully exploring the envelope that all the potential implementation issues will be identified.

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Draft 0.1
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technical report
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