MODAF Industry Supplier Reference Guide

Keywords industry supplier reference MODAF MODAF reference guide

System prototypes may be developed during the Assessment Stage by the IPT in partnership with Industry to identify the most appropriate solution in support of the Main Gate business case. These prototypes will feed into the more detailed work during the Demonstration Stage.

Inputs to this process are:

• The SRD Views, developed by the Requirements workstream
• SV-9 Systems Technology Forecast, to provide insight into how technology is evolving in relation to this system, developed by the Systems and Technology Workstream
• TV-2 Technical Standards Forecast, which, as discussed in the Concept Stage, shows how the system needs to be ‘future-proofed’ for the new accepted standards, also developed by the Systems and Technology Workstream

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manager's guide
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This guide intends to provide the key information about the MOD Architectural Framework (MODAF) Views required for
Industry / Supplier Liaison. More detailed information can be found in the Acquisition Deskbook, by referencing, or by contacting the DPA Integration Authority

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