MODAF Overview

Keywords MODAF MODAF overview

15. MODAF is the framework that MOD has selected to develop its enterprise architecture models. These models will help the MOD to understand, analyse and specify Capabilities, Processes, and Systems with a view to thereby assisting in the improvement of military capability and cost effectiveness across the MOD.

16. MODAF has been developed from the US Department of Defense Architectural Framework (DoDAF)3. MODAF keeps compatibility with the core DoDAF viewpoints in order to facilitate the exchange of architectural information with the US, for example in conducting international interoperability analyses. However, MODAF has supplemented DoDAF with two new viewpoints that support analysis and optimisation of the portfolio of military capabilities and the acquisition programmes that deliver them. Therefore, MODAF consists of six viewpoints as shown in Figure 2-1. These cover all of the main perspectives and dimensions that are required in order to conduct the core MOD processes around acquisition and operations.

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1. An ‘effects based approach’ to military operations demands that we combine military capabilities in time and space, to an ever increasing tempo, in order to achieve the desired outcome. To achieve this, we must master the complex interaction of weapons, platforms, sensors and people, in order to maximise their combined strengths and to minimise any potential weaknesses. We seek to do this through our adoption of Network Enabled Capability, integrating existing capabilities into an increasingly coherent system of systems.

2. At the same time, perpetual pressure on Defence spending means that we must seek maximum return on our investments and drive inefficiency out of our operations.

3. Our greatest enemy in this regard is complexity and we must find effective ways to overcome it. One key to achieving the simplicity we seek is to focus on the decision-making process and the information flows that must support effective decision making and subsequent action.

4. The MOD Architectural Framework (MODAF) offers invaluable assistance in our struggle for simplicity, as it provides a common language and common formats for the capture and shared use of trusted data. It is therefore my intent that we adopt an architectural approach, grounded in MODAF, to our day-to-day business. This Deskbook explains how you can begin to use MODAF to articulate your business in a manner that will aid collective understanding, increase efficiency and enhance effectiveness; I commend it to you.

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