MODAF White Paper on Strategic View 5 (StV-5): Capability to Systems Deployment Mapping

Keywords capability mapping MODAF strategic views

Product Detailed Description - To provide a full picture in order to conduct analysis, several StV-5 views would be created to represent the number of epochs that being analysed. Although the StV-5 views would be represented separately, Systems may exist in more than one view e.g. Systems that span epochs, and Systems may be interconnected across multiple views. Information to create the StV-5 is drawn from other MODAF views (StV-2, StV-4, OV-2, SV-3, AcV-2, etc), and would include: Capability functions, System connectivity, Organisational structures, Epoch definitions and Programmatic information.

The StV-5 view is based on a tabular representation with the appropriate Organisational structure represented on one axis and the Capability functions on the other. Graphical objects representing Systems are placed in the relevant position relative to Capability and Organisation. Interconnection links are shown between Systems that are dependant and/or have interaction. Systems can be represented on multiple views to represent the epochs for which they are in-service; the colour coding of the System should not change across epochs, in order that in can represent the epoch when the System entered service. Systems can be interconnected between the separate epoch views to illustrate the transition between a legacy System being removed from service, and a new System being introduced.

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The purpose of this paper is to describe the initial content and layout of the Capability to Systems Deployment Mapping (StV-5) view in a way, which will allow peer review from stakeholders. With the exception of this section, the rest of the paper broadly follows the layout of the DODAF volume II document. The intention is that this format will be retained and used in the final MODAF documentation, currently scheduled for publication in July 2005.

The MOD Architecture Framework (MODAF) is being developed with the intention of providing a rigorous way to specify systems of systems, and is a key enabler to NEC1. The framework will predominantly be used for acquisition purposes, and a key driver for its adoption is the need to improve interoperability between systems. However, the MODAF could equally well be used to analyse existing, operational systems and better enable their integration with other systems (both new and existing).

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