MODAF White Paper on Strategic View 1 (StV-1): Capability Vision

Keywords capability vision MODAF white paper strategic view

Product Detailed Description – An StV-1 Capability Vision is usually presented as text, with accompanying illustrations where needed for clarification. There is no prescribed diagrammatic specification for StV-1. Text (with optional illustrations) is the preferred format, as the aim is to provide a pre-amble and high-level summary for the capabilities to be addressed by the architecture.

An StV-1 Capability Vision should begin by describing the high-level concept. This concept should then be further augmented by describing the high-level operational goals and strategy in capability4 terms. As a general rule, the StV-1 view is not intended to specify the system requirements, or even the user requirements. Rather, it has the role of setting the
scope for the architecture in terms of future or current capability vision.

The information contained in an StV-1 view is most likely to have originated from operational concepts and research communities. The information will provide guidance on future capabilities and allow equipment capability specialists to identify future needs. The exception to this is when a MODAF architecture is used analyse an existing system - e.g. when
reverse engineering a system for integration or upgrade purposes. In this case, the StV-1 role changes slightly in that it should define what the original capability vision for the system was, and what capabilities are to be realised by the integration or upgrade.

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The purpose of this paper is to describe the initial content and layout of the StV-1 view in a way which would allow peer review from stakeholders. With the exception of this section, the rest of the paper follows the layout of the DODAF volume II document. The intention is that this format will be retained and used in the final MODAF documentation, currently scheduled to be published July 2005.

The MOD Architectural Framework (MODAF) is being developed with the intention of providing a rigorous way to specify systems of systems, and is a key enabler to NEC1. The framework will predominantly be used for acquisition purposes, and a key driver for its adoption is the need to improve interoperability between systems. However, MODAF could equally well be used to analyse existing, operational systems and better enable their integration with other systems (both new and existing).

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