AASHTO Guidelines for Value Engineering

Keywords guidelines for value engineering value engineering

Value engineering evolved out of the necessity to find substitutions for manufacturing materials that became scarce during World War II. In 1959, the Society of American Value Engineering (SAVE) was incorporated in Washington, D.C., to unite practitioners and promote the growth of value engineering. The Society officially defined value engineering as 'the systematic application of recognized techniques which identify the function of a product or service, to establish a value for that function, and provide the necessary function reliability at the least overall cost. In all instances, the required function should be achieved at the lowest possible life cycle cost consistent with requirements and/or performance, maintainability, safety, and aesthetics.

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manager's guide
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AASHTO recognizes the need for the prudent use of diminishing resources and revenues while providing a quality transportation program. Value engineering is a function-oriented technique that has proven to be an effective management tool for achieving improved design, construction and cost-effectiveness in various transportation program elements. States that have successfully implemented a VE program have realized additional venefits beyond design and cost savings: for examples, constant updating of standards and policies, accelerated incorporation of new materials and construction techniques, employee enthusiasm from participation in agency decisions; increased skills obtained from team participation.

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