JSSG Air Vehicle Subsystems

Keywords air vehicle subsystems joint service specification guide


Flotation criteria were previously identified in AFSC DH 2-1.

Air Vehicle Conditions: In the case of paved airfields, it is usually best to specify the maximum gross weight that will be used for ground operation. Center of gravity position may not be too critical for paved airfields, however, specification as nominal, average or most critical makes the requirement more exact. The gross weight and center of gravity specified for unpaved airfield operation will usually be specified in terms of a specific mission condition. A specific weight should not be specified.

a. Type of Airfield Surface. The requirement should at least specify a paved or unpaved surface. Paved is considered to include rigid concrete surfaces, flexible asphalt surface and combination rigid and flexible surfaces. Unpaved means bare soil without vegetation with soil of any combination of sand, silt, or clay. Specification of landing mat or membrane surfaced airfields is not recommended. Experience has indicated that performance of these surfaces to applied loads is highly variable and difficult to predict. Also the type of surface in use at the time the air vehicle becomes operational may be much different than that in use at air vehicle conception. Landing mat and membrane development cycles are not keyed to air vehicle development.

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