Joint Service Specification Guide- Aircraft Structures

Keywords aircraft structures joint service specification guide requirements guide


(The instructional handbook, which is contained in the appendix herein, provides the rationale for specified requirements, guidance for inclusion of supplemental information, a lessons learned repository, and ___________. This specification is meant to be tailored by filling in the blank elements according to the particular air vehicle's performance requirements and characteristics, with appropriate supporting engineering justification. In the absence of such justification and acceptance, the recommendations in the handbook shall be used to fill in the blanks of this specification. In addition, specific paragraphs may be tailored by deletion or not applicable, by inserting "N/A" in parentheses following the number and title, or by rewriting of the paragraph by inserting "REWRITE" in parentheses following the number and title.)

3.1 Detailed structural design requirements.
The requirements of this specification reflect operational and maintenance needs and capabilities and are stated in terms of parameter values, conditions, and discipline (loads, flutter, etc.) requirements. The air vehicle shall have sufficient structural integrity to meet these requirements, separately and in attainable combinations.
3.1.1 Deterministic design criteria.
The deterministic structural design criteria stated in this specification are, as a minimum, those necessary to ensure that the airframe shall meet the detailed structural design requirements established in this specification. These criteria are also based on the requirements derived from the inherent operational, maintenance, engineering, and test needs of the aircraft such as the location of and access to equipment and the loading and unloading of cargo or payload. Each individual criterion established herein has been selected based upon historical experience with adjustments made to account for new design approaches, new materials, new fabrication methods, unusual aircraft configurations, unusual usage, planned aircraft maintenance activities, and any other significant factors. Trade studies and analyses supporting the substantiation of the adequacy of these criteria in meeting the specified and inherent design requirements, and their use in design details, shall be documented in accordance with the verification requirements in 4.1.1.

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