Military Handbook- Evaluation of a Contractor's Calibration Sytem

Keywords calibration system contractor calibration evaluation of a contractor military handbook

The standards used for calibrating M&TE shall have capabilities for accuracy, stability, range and resolution required for the intended use. Accuracy ratios may be used for determining adequacy. The accuracy ratio may be high (4:1, 10:1, or higher) or low (3:1, or 2:1). The exact ratio depends on state-of-the-art limitations, and the contractor’s measurement requirements. The Government representative must verify that standards used by the contractor are capable of calibrating the M&TE for the intended use. The accuracy of the standards must at least be equal to the tolerance required (i.e., 1:1) but in most cases should be greater. A 1:1 comparison is permitted only when state-of-the-art limitations preclude a higher accuracy ratio. Normally, when only a 1:1 accuracy ratio can be achieved, any out of tolerance condition of the M&TE will be significant. The measurement standards selected by the contractor must have a stability which is proven by long usage, industry acceptance, or manufacturers specifications. Standards selected solely on the basis of manufacturer’s specifications require close surveillance until a history of stability is established by succeeding calibrations.

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This handbook outlines the individual parts of a theoretically complete calibration system. It is not necessarily the ideal system for any particular application or contractor, but the information contained herein is intended as a text for the guidance of Department of Defense personnel in the uniform evaluation of each aspect of the various contractor calibration systems. The following amplifications of the purpose is provided:

a. It is recognized that each contractor functions individually and consequently the calibration system of each may differ in the specific methods of accomplishment. It is not the intent of this handbook to attempt to standardize these systems, but to present the basic, functional concepts that, when conscientiously implemented, will provide assurance that the.contractor's measuring and test equipment ‘(M&TE) is sufficiently accurate to assure conformance of supplies and services to contractual requirements. Evaluation of a contractors calibration system is to be made when military standard MIL-STD-45662, “Calibration System Requirements,” is prescribed as a contractual requirement.

b. Throughout the handbook emphasis is placed on “controls’ in the form of reviews, documentation, audits, labels, and other means. These controls permit the Government representative to evaluate contractor operations and to determine their effectiveness. In addition, these controls will serve in the collection of important data. It is the responsibility of the evaluator to determine, in each case, those calibration system requirements that are made applicable by contractual documents. These requirements are paramount and are not intended to be infringed by any interpretive or informational material supplied in this handbook. The evaluator must determine, to the extent necessary, the accuracy in the use of M&TE applicable to the particular contract. Any determination by the evaluator that an aspect pertaining to the calibration system is not satisfactory must be supported by objective evidence, and followed by a request to the contractor for corrective action.

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