Military Handbook- Electrostatics Discharge Control Handbook for Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and and Equipment

Keywords electrostatics discharge military handbook protection of assembles and equipment protection of electrical and electronic parts

4.1 General.

The primary objective of ESD control program implementation is to provide continuous ESD protection. Life-time electrostatic control and protection entails implementation of ESD control program requirements (see ESD control program requirements table of MIL-STD-1686) during design, production, inspection, test, storage, shipment, installation, maintenance and repair functions. MIL-STD-1686 requirements, as tailored by the contractor (see MIL-STD-1686, 1.3.I) and approved by the acquiring activity will define the ESD control program requirements for specific programs or products. Table I provides a cross-reference listing between the requirements sections of MILSTD- 1686, the guidance sections of MIL-HDBK-263, and the supplementary technical data appendices of MIL-HDBK-263.


The ESD control program plan provides the data required in acco~dance with MIL-STD-1686 and Data Item Description (DID)
DI-RELI-80669A when required by the contract or purchase order (see MIL-STD- 1686, 6.2). The approved ESD control program plan is the basis for comprehensive ESD controls and program implementation. The plan describes the scope of the ESD control program; describes the tasks, activities, and procedures necessary to protect ESD sensitive items; identifies organizations responsible for the tasks and activities; and lists directive or guidance documents used in the ESD control program. The plan also describes ESD control requirements imposed on subcontractors and suppliers by prime contractors. The final element of the plan is a listing of the specific ESD protective tools, materials, and equipment used in the ESD control program. The major element in a properly structured technically effective ESD control program plan is the assessment of the ESD susceptibility of the parts and their required protection levels. The selection of specific ESD control procedures or materials is at the option of the plan preparer. MIL-STD-1686 does not mandate or preclude the use of any appropriate procedures or materials.

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1.1 Scope.

This handbook provides guidance for developing, implementing and monitoring an ESD control program in accordance with the requirements of MILSTD- 1686. Information is provided in 6.1 that cross references the various revisions of MIL-HDBK-263 to the appropriate revision of MIL-STD-1686. This handbook is not applicable to electrically initiated explosive devices. specific guidance provided is supplemented by the technical data contained in the appendices. Table I provides a cross-reference listing of MIL-STD-1686 requirements, MIL-HDBK-263 guidance, and MIL-HDBK-263 supplementary technical data.

1.2 Application of MIL-STD-1686.

The application of MIL-STD-1686 requirements will result in continuous ESD controls throughout the life-time of ESD susceptible parts, assembles, and equipment. For this reason, MIL-STD-1686 requirements will be applied to Government and contractor activities including subcontractors, suppliers, and vendors. The term ‘contractor” in MIL-STD-1686 will be replaced with “Government activity” as appropriate when the requirements are applied to the Government.

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