Military Handbook-Reliability Prediction of Electronic Equipment (notice of change)

The magnetic bubble memory device in its present form IS a non-hermetic assembly consisting of the following two major structural segments:

1. A basic bubble chip or die consisting of memory or a storage area (e.g., an array of minor loops), and required control and detection elements (e.g., generators, various gates and detectors).
2. A magnetic structure to provide controlled magnetic fields consisting of permanent magnets, coils, and a housing.

These two structural segments of the device are interconnected by a mechanical substrate and lead frame. The interconnect substrate in the present technology is normally a printed circuit board. It should be noted that this model does not include external support micro-electronic devices required for magnetic bubble memory operation.

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MIL-HDBK-217F, Notice 1 is issued to correct minor typographical errors in the basic F Revision. MIL-HDBK- 217F (base document) provides the following changes based upon recently completed studies (see Ref. 30 and 32 listed in Appendix C):

1. New failure rate prediction models are provided for the following nine major classes
• Monolithic Bipolar Digital and Linear Gate/Logic Array Devices
• Monolithic MOS Digital and Linear Gate/Logic Array Devices
• Monolithic Bipolar and MOS Digital Microprocessor Devices (Including Controllers)
• Monolithic Bipolar and MOS Memory Devices
• Monolithic Gas Digital Devices
• Monolithic GaAs MMIC Devices
• Hybrid Microcircuits
• Magnetic Bubble Memories
• Surface Acoustic Wave Devices

This revision provides new prediction models for bipolar and MOS microcircuits with gate counts of up to 60,000, linear microcircuits with up to 3000 transistors, bipolar and MOS digital microprocessor and co-processor up to 32 bits, memory devices with up to 1 million bits, GaAs monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMtCs) with up to 1,000 active elements, and GaAs digital ICS with up to 10,000 transistors. The Cl factors have been extensively revised to reflect new technology devices with improved reliability, and the activation energies representing the temperature sensitivity of the dice (XT) have been changed for MOS devices and for memories.

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