DoD Handbook- Guidance for Controlling Electromagnetic Environmental Effects on Platforms, Systems and Equipment

Keywords DoD handbook electromagnetic effects on platforms electromagnetic effects on systems electromagnetic effects on equipment guidance for control

4.5 EMC program procedures (EMCPP).

4.5.1 General.
The EMCPP should establish the sum total of direction and efforts required to achieve EMC in an end-item. The EMCPP should be prepared for each program that is either designated as, or meets the criteria for, ACATs I or II when the end-item may affect, or be affected by, its operational EMEs. The EMCPP may also be established for ACAT III equipment, subsystems, and systems when specified by the individual Services and are so designated on a case-by-case basis.

4.5.2 Purpose of EMCPP. Management and engineering personnel should establish an EMC program as early as possible in the acquisition process to achieve the greatest EMC engineering benefits. The EMCPP should accurately define the tasks and milestones that should be accomplished to achieve the desired level of EMC performance. The EMC effort should be tailored to the specific acquisition of an end-item based on its performance requirements, EMEs within which it is intended to operate, quantity of the end-item to be procured, and the budget available to meet the E3 control/EMC performance goals of the program. The EMCPP is intended to ensure there is:

a. Efficient integration of engineering, testing, management, and quality assurance tasks to achieve the required level of EMC.
b. Continuous traceability of E3 control/EMC performance requirements and design alternatives throughout the program. This should permit the sources and impact of design changes along with any EMC deficiencies, and the impact of any contractual requirements, to be promptly determined, accurately identified, and properly communicated.

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military handbook
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1.1 Purpose.

This handbook is intended to provide personnel responsible for the design, development, and acquisition of DoD platforms, systems, subsystems, equipment, and devices with the guidance necessary for achieving the desired level of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). This handbook describes the tasks that should be accomplished to ensure electromagnetic environmental effects (E3) control/EMC measures are incorporated into the development and operational procedures of an item to achieve the desired level of EMC during its life cycle. This handbook may also be used by program managers (PMs) to identify the critical E3 issues that need to be addressed when preparing their required Program Status Reports.

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