Military Handbok- A Guide for MIL-STD-1520C Corrective Action and Disposition System for Non-Conforming Material

Keywords corrective action and disposition system MIL-STD-1520C military handbook non-conforming material

2. MlL-STD-l 520C requires implementation of SPC by the contractor. The exact method for implementing the program, however, is not specified end is the responsibility of the contractor to determine unless otherwise required by the contract. An acceptable approach should be based on standard statistical methods. The following discussion is provided to clarify some general concepts and should not be interpreted as constituting specific requirements of the contractor’s program. See a standard textbook or manual on statistical quality control or SPC for a more complete discussion.

3. Statistical quality control may be applied “on-line’” (i.e., during actual production) to effectively monitor the process, and “off-line” to find ways to improve product and process design. Useful tools available for these tasks are design of experiments, parameter design, histograms, cause and effect diagrams, scatter diagrams, etc. There are also so many useful computer software application programs available that can increase the effectiveness and convenience of statistical techniques.

4. SPC can be applied on most industrial ;processes and is especially appropriate on key processes. Key processes ‘are identified through analysis of the product design and production system or process characterization studies. Some companies use quality function deployment as a structured procedure for transiting customer requirements into design characteristics and target values for product and process design. This links SPC to customer requirements.

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1. Simple manufacturing incompletions or omissions that are identified and successfully restored to fully conforming condition at the work station where the error occurred and prior to movement to another work station or submittal of hardware for appraisal to specification, normally are not considered non-conformances. A simple manufacturing incompletion or omission is a required operation that (1) can be successfully completed or performed; (2) results in elimination of the non-conformance; (3) uses essentially the same procedures as were originally required to perform the incomplete or omitted operation; and (4) does not involve destructive or potentially destructive disassembly. On the other hand manufacturing incompletions or omission detected out-of-station (i.e, downstream beyond the originating work station where the incompletion or omission occurred) are considered non-conformances.

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