Military Handbook- Grounding,Bonding and Shielding for Electronic Equipments and Facilities


Earth grounding is defined as the process by which an electrical connection is made to the earth. The earth electrode subsystem is that network of interconnected rods, wires, pipes, or other configuration of metals which establishes electrical contact between the elements of the facility and the earth. This system should achieve the following objectives:

a. Provide a path to earth for the discharge of lightning strokes in a manner that protects the structure, its occupants, and the equipment inside.
b. Restrict the step-and-touch potential gradient in areas accessible to persons to a level below the hazardous threshold even under lightning discharge or power fault conditions.
c. Assist in the control of noise in signal and control circuits by minimizing voltage differentials between the signal reference subsystems of separate facilities.

2.1.1 Lightning Discharge. A lightning flash is characterized by one or more strokes with typical peak current amplitudes of 20 kA or higher. In the immediate vicinity of the point of entrance of the stroke current into the earth, hazardous voltage gradients can exist along the earth’s surface. Ample evidence (2-l)* exists to show that such gradients are more than adequate to cause death. It is thus of great importance that the earth electrode subsystem be configured in a manner that minimizes these gradients.

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1.1.1 This handbook addresses the practical considerations for engineering of grounding systems, subsystems, and other components of ground networks. Electrical noise reduction is discussed as it relates to the proper installation of ground systems. Power distribution systems are covered to the degree necessary to understand the interrelationships between grounding, power distribution, and electrical noise reduction.

1.1.2 The information provided in this handbook primarily concerns grounding, bonding, and shielding of fixed plant telecommunications-electronics facilities; however, it also provides basic guidance in the grounding of deployed transportable communications/electronics equipment.

1.1.3 Grounding, bonding, and shielding are approached from a total system concept, which comprises four basic subsystems in accordance with current Department of Defense (DOD) guidance. These subsystems are as follows:

a. An earth electrode subsystem.
b. A lightning protection subsystem.
c. A fault protection subsystem.
d. A signal reference subsystem.

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