Military Handbook- Electronic Reliability Design Handbook (Vol. II of II)

Keywords electronic reliability design military handbook reliability design handbook

9.0 Failure Reporting and Analysis.

This chapter covers closed-loop failure reporting/corrective action systems, data collection and retention, general considerations in failure analysis, causes of parts failure and failure categories. Thus, this volume attempts, by orderly progression, to discuss and develop guidelines for all the essential ingredients of a successful parts reliability program. Whenever it has been possible to get our message across merely by referencing an existing specification or standard, we have done SO. However, where we have felt that the point we wanted to make required the explicit use of material from an existing specification or standard we appropriated and included that material in order to illuminate our meaning. Where information pertinent to our subject matter is to be found in Volume I of the Handbook, we have referred the reader to the appropriate section.

Finally, in line with our goal of being as concise, explicit and brief as possible, we have tried to exclude unessential detail characteristics of the devices under discussion. Thus , for example, in the case of resistors and capacitors we refrained from supplying MIL-type designations, standard values and sample failure rates. All of this information and more can be easily obtained by the reader himself from either the MIL part specification or MIL-HDBK-217.

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As stated in the preface the Electronic Reliability Design Handbook is an updating and extensive revision of the Reliability Design Handbook (RDH-376) published in 1976 by the Reliability Analysis Center under contract with Rome Air Development Center. A great deal of effort has been expended in obtaining the latest available information pertinent to the subject of component parts reliability. Sources of information have included papers presented at symposia, studies sponsored by military agencies, articles appearing in technical journals, MIL and DOD documents, and the Reliability Analysis Center’s databank. Volume 2 of the Electronic Reliability Design Handbook has been designed to provide as much practical and useful information as possible on the considerations and procedures to be employed in the selection, specification, application and control of electronic parts in order to achieve reliable equipment.

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