Military Handbook- Electrical Engineering Preliminary Design Considerations

Keywords electrical engineering military handbook preliminary design

1.3 Load Data

Before specific electric power sources and distribution systems can be considered, realistic preliminary load data must be compiled. The expected electric power demand on intermediate substation, and on the main electric power supply, shall be calculated from the connected load layout by applying appropriate factors. Determine these factors by load analysis and by combining loads progressively. To combine the loads, start at the ends of the smallest feeders and work back to the electric power source. Because all loads must be on a common kilowatt (kW) or kilovolt-ampere (kVA) basis, it is necessary to convert motor horsepower ratings to input kilowatts or kilovolt-amperes before combinning these with other loads already expressed in those terms. Preliminary electric power load estimates can be made by using the approximate value of one kilovolt-ampere of input per horsepower (hp) at full load.

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This handbook provides basic design guidance in the proper selection of electric power sources and distribution systems. It was developed from extensive reevaluation of facilities and is presented for used by experienced architects and engineers. The contents cover electric power preliminary design considerations such as preliminary data, estimation of leads, selection of electric power source, uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems design, installation of distribution system, levels of distribution voltage grounding of distribution systems, and selection of distribution systems.

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