DoD Handbook- Flight Data Recorder Standards

Keywords DoD handbook flight data flight data recorder standards recorder standards

4.1.1 Flight Data Recorder requirements.

Requirements for Flight Data Recorders are based primarily on the need for data recovery when the host aircraft crashes or is lost at sea. The recovered FDR data is intended to provide sufficient information to deduce the cause of the incident, or crash. A secondary requirement, as directed by the acquiring activity, is for data recovery of information which is related’ to maintenance, mission or logistics management. Depending upon the usual missions of the aircraft, a Type I or Type II crash survivable memory shall be installed to record aircraft parameters. The Type I memory shall be part of a deployable Crash Position Locator (CPL) package to assist in search and rescue as well as improve the survivability of stored data. The Type 11 memory shall be crash hardened and fireproofed to withstand crash impact and resultant fire.

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military handbook
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1.1 Scope.
This standard establishes the functional characteristics of a DOD airborne Flight Data Recorder (FDR) used for flight incidents mishap, or crash analysis, and the parameters required to be recorded. Other uses of the FDR, such as aircraft maintenance, shall be as directed by the acquiring activity.

1.2 Application.
The requirements of this standard are intended to apply to all military aircraft required to record flight data needed for analysis in the event of a flight incident, mishap or crash. Data shall be recorded in either a deployable non-volatile memory or a crash-hardened non-volatile memory for recovery and analysis. The deployable module (or airfoil) containing the memory shall be ejected from the host aircraft before or upon crash impact. The crash-hardened unit shall remain with the aircraft in its installed position in the most survivable portion of the aircraft.

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