DoD Testability Handbook for Systems and Equipment

Keywords systems equipment testability handbook testing program

201.2 Task Description
201.2.1 Derive and establish system-level diagnostic needs. This includes:

a) Identifying those system mission and performance requirements which directly require diagnostic functions (such as safety, mission, critical).
n) Translating those system mission and performance requirements into diagnostics needs which support the mission scenario and system design and conform to the system's operational constraints.

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military handbook
Defines standard
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1.1 Purpose
This standard prescribes a uniform approach to testability program planning, establishment of diagnostic concepts and testability (including BIT) requirements, testability and test design and assessment, and requirements for conducting testability program reviews.

1.2 Application
This standard is applicable to the development of all types of components, equipments, and systems for the Department of Defense. Appropriate tasks of this standard are to be applied during the Conceptual phase, Demonstration and Validation phases. Full-scale Development phase and Production phase of the system acquisition process.

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