DOD STD- Defense System Software Quality Program

Keywords defense system software DOD standard quality program

4.2 Responsibility for the software quality program.

Contractor personnel responsible for ensuring compliance with the software quality program requirements shall have the resources, responsibility, authority, and organizational freedom to permit objective evaluations and to initiate and verify corrective actions. The persons conducting the evaluation of a product or activity shall not be the persons who developed the product, performed the activity, or are responsible for the product or activity. This does not preclude members of the development team from participating in these evaluations. The contractor shall assign responsibility for the fulfillment of, and for ensuring compliance with, the software quality program requirements.

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1.1 Purpose.
The purpose of this standard is to establish requirements for a software’ quality program to be applied during the acquisition, development, and support of software systems.
1.2 Application.
This standard applies to the extent specified in the contract clauses, the Statement of Work (SOW), and the Contract Data Requirements I&t (CDRL). The term “software quality program requirements” as used herein refers to the collective requirements of this standard.

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