DOD STD- Product Assurance Program Requirements for Contractors

Keywords contractors DOD STD product assurance program requirements

4. 1.2 Management Po A documented policy shall be established and maintained for fulfilling contractual product assurance program requirements.

Statements of policy shall form the basic guidelines and the internal company authority for establishing and maintaining the contractors program. The organizational structure and lines of authority shall be described and documented. Specific responsibilities shall be assigned and action authorities clearly delineated. Personnel performing product assurance program functions shall have sufficient, well defined responsibility, authority and organizational freedom to fulfill the requirements of this standard, to identify and evaluate problems and to initiate, recommend or provide solutions. In structuring the organization it should be recognized that the requirements’of this standard apply to the total contractor organization and, therefore, are not solely the responsibility of any particular organizational element. However, the product assurance program shall be defined and responsibility identified to assure that all contractual requirements are established and maintained. Management snail regularly - review the status and adequacy of the product assurance program for which they have designated responsibility.

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DOD-STD-2107 (Navy)
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military standard
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