Defence Standard Human Factors for Designers of Systems- Part 0 Human Integration

Keywords defence standard designers of systems human factors human integration part 0
Standards groups

9. Human Factors and Human Factors Integration

9.1 Human Factors

Human Factors is a scientific and engineering discipline that concerns itself with human capabilities, human limitations, human interactions with technologies and environments, and the application of this knowledge to the design of products, processes and systems. Human Factors is also known as Ergonomics. The reader should note that there is no single agreed definition of these terms, however all such definitions tend towards a common understanding. Human Factors captures physical, psychological and social characteristics data that is essential to the sound design of systems. Such data may be essential when it is necessary to justify the safety or operational performance of a system involving humans. In the context of Defence systems, Human Factors are an essential contributor to demonstrating military capability; the ability to achieve desired effects under specified conditions of use.

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DEF STAN 00-250 Part 0
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defence standard
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