FED STD- Test Procedures for Packing Materials

Keywords FED STD packing materials test procedures

1.3 Index system

1.3.1 Numerical index
The first part of the numerical index in section 2 lists the test methods with the former three digit code in the first column, the four digit code introduced in revision 'B' in the second column, revision 'C' in the third column and the superseding ASTM standards in the fourth column. The second part of the numerical index lists the test method codes in the reverse order with revision 'C; first and the former three digit code last. The numerical index allows for complete numerical cross referencing. Some former methods have been deleted or consolidated with other methods. New methods have been added as required.

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military standard
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1.1 This standard covers the general physical and chemical testing procedures for determining the ability of preservation and packing to protect items during shipment and for determining the conformance of materials and containers with the requirements of specifications used by acquisitioning activities of the Unites States Government. This standard was prepared in order to eliminate unnecessary or undesirable variations in the general testing procedures, and to provide comparable measurements of the characteristics of different materials.

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