FAA STD- Software Development for the National Airspace System (NAS)

Keywords FAA STD NAS national airspace system software development

4. Requirements

The following represents an FAA tailoring of the IEEE/EIA 12207.0 and IEEE?EIA 12207.2 for the procurement of computer software products and services. Only the sections specifically identified herein are requirements of the FAA standard. However, application of the remaining sections of the 12207 model is encouraged.

It is intended that all subsections apply when a higher level section is identified as applicable, unless specifically stated.

4.1 Primary life cycle processes
The requirements of this section shall be in accordance with section 5.3 'Development Process' of IEEE/EIA 12207.0

4.2 Supporting processes
The requirements of this section shall be in accordance with sections 6.1 'Documentation Process', 6.2 'Configuration Management Process' and 6.3 'Quality Assurance Process' of IEEE/EIA 12207.0

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military standard
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1.1 Scope
This standard establishes requirements for software development associated with NAS acquisition. It represents the FAA approved tailoring of IEEE/EIA 12207 and documentation standards (DIDs). This standard can be sued for all software development projects external or internal to the FAA.

1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this standard is to establish and communicate requirements to be applied during the development and support of computer software.

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