3.17 Technical manuals (TMs)
Manuals that contain instructions for the installation, operation, maintenance, and support of weapon systems, weapon system components, and support equipment. TM information may be presented, according to prior agreement between the contractor and the Government, in any form or characteristic, including hard printed copy, audio and visual displays, electronic embedded media, disks, other electronic
devices, or other media. They normally include operational and maintenance instructions, parts lists, and related technical information or procedures exclusive of administrative procedures.
3.18 Warning
A statement or some other notification about an operating or maintenance procedure, practice, or condition that, if not strictly observed, could result in long term health hazard, injury to, or death of personnel performing the task prescribed in the TM.
Defines standard
Replaced/Superseded by document(s)
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MIL STD- Manuals, Technical Writing Style and Format Requirements.PDF | application/pdf | 3.3 MB | English | DOWNLOAD! |
Provides definitions
1.1 Scope.
This document establishes the style and format for preparation of technical manuals (TMS), revisions, supplements, and changes.
1.2 Purpose.
This general style and format document supplements the various content requirements in the other parts to this 11-part standard for specific type of technical manuals and related publications and does not alone deliver any technical data. (NOTE: The figures used in this document are examples only. The text of this document takes precedence over the figures.)
1.3 Applicability.
The applicability of the requirements contained in this document is governed by the equipment, systems, or weapon systems for which the technical manuals are being developed. This document is applicable for use by of the Department of the Army.