MIL STD- Maintainability Verification, Demonstration, Evaluation

Keywords demonstration evaluation maintainability MIL STD verification

The justification for use of the log-normal assumption for corrective maintenance times is based on extensive analysis of field data which have shown that the log-normal distribution provides a good fit to the data. However, in those cases where it is suspected that the log-normal assumption does not hold (e.g., equipments with a high degree of built-in diagnostics) then a distribution-free method should be employed to insure preservation of specified risks.

B.10.6 References - Details and additional references for the test plans (1, 2, 3) presented in this appendix can be found in RADC Technical Report 69-356 (AD 869 396), Volume II, entitled: “Maintainability Prediction and Demonstration Techniques.” Copies of this document may be obtained from the Defense Documentation Center, Cameron Station, Alexandria, VA 22314.

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A.10 Scope.
A.10.1 Purpose.
This appendix outlines a procedure for the a sample of corrective maintenance tasks for maintainability when the tasks result from failure simulation. selection of demonstration when the tasks results from failure simulation.

A.10.2 Application.
The procedure described herein is applicable only when failure simulation is to be used to generate maintenance tasks. The procedure is applicable to the equipment level and it is assumed that
system level maintainability requirements have been allocated to the equipment level for demonstration. The mean estimates for equipment may be employed to determine achievement of system maintainability requirements. If sampling of preventive maintenance tasks or servicing is permitted, a procedure and tables similar to that illustrated in this appendix for corrective maintenance must be developed for each type of task (i.e., preventive maintenance, servicing).

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