[Sub] System Requirements Analysis Phase Standard

Keywords requirements analysis requirements analysis phase sub system

2. [Sub]System Requirements Analysis Phase Activities

The covered activities are those performed by personnel working on a software-intensive [sub]system. Though these activities cluster in the [Subsystem Requirements Analysis Phases, they may occur outside these phases in the form of preliminary work during the previous phase(s) or re-working during the succeeding phase(s).

The activities stated below results in intermediate products that are used in later efforts or are parts of deliverable products. Intermediate products are the results of management or technical activities that occur within a phase. For example, intermediate products such as requirements lists, data definitions, and traceability matrices can be packages as part of a Functional Requirements Document (FRD) (deliverable product).

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1.1 Purpose

This document establishes the JPL Standard for certain activities, products, and reviews that constitute a [Sub]system Requirements Analysis Phase. This Standard is subordinate to and supports directives contained in the Level I Software Management Standarda (D-4000).

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