MIL STD- Reliability Modeling & Prediction (1981)

Keywords MIL STD reliability modeling reliability prediction

4.1 General.
Reliability modeling and prediction shall be planned and performed in accordance with the general requirements of this standard and the task(s) and method(a) specified by the procuring activity.

4.2 Implementation.
Reliability modeling and prediction shall “be initiated early in the configuration definition stage to aid in the evaluation of the design and to provide a basis.for item reliability allocation (apportionment) and establishing corrective action priorities. Reliability models and predictions shall be updated when there is a significant change in the item design, availability of design details, environmental requirements, stress data.,failure rate data, or service use profile. A planned schedule for updates shall be specified by the procuring activity.

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1.1 Scope.
This standard establishes uniform procedures and ground rules for the preparation of Mission Reliability and Basic Reliability models and predictions for electronic,electrical, electromechanical, mechanical, and ordnance systems and equipments,hereinafter referred to as items. Item complexity may range from a complete weapon system to the simplest subdivision of a system. The primary value of Reliability Prediction is as a design tool to provide relative measures of item reliability to design decision. Great caution must be used when applying and translating the absolute value of the Reliability Prediction to measures of Field Reliability.

1.2 Application.
The requirements and procedures established by this standard may be applied to any Department of Defense procurement for item development and production. It la not intended that all the requirements herein will need to be applied to every program or program phase. Procuring activities shall tailor the requirements of this standard to the minimum needs of each procurement and shall encourage contractors to submit cost effective tailoring recommendations.

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