MIL STD- Definitions of Terms of Reliability and Maintainability

Keywords definitions MIL STD terms of reliability and maintainability

ACCESSIBILITY: A measure of the relative ease of admission to the various areas of an item for, the purpose of operation or maintenance.

ACHIEVED: Obtained as the result of measurement.

ALIGNMENT: Performing the adjustments that are necessary to return an item to specified operation.

AVAILABILITY: A measure of the degree to which an item is in an operable and comitable state at the start of a mission when the mission is called for at an unknown (random) time. (Item state at start of a mission includes the combined effects of the readiness-related system R&M parameters, but excludes mission time; see DEPENDABILITY.

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This Standard defines words and terms most commonly used which are associated with Reliability and Maintainability (R&M). It is intended to be, used as a common base for R & M definitions and to reduce the possibility of conflicts, duplications, and incorrect.interpretations either expressed or implied elsewhere in documentation. The definitions :address the intent and policy of DoD
Directive 5000.40. Statistical and mathematical terms which have gained wide acceptance are not defined in this standard since they are included in other documents.


1.1 Scope
The purpose of this standard is to define words and terms used most frequently in specifying Reliability and Maintainability (R & M) to give these terms a common meaning for the Department of Defense and defense contractors.

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