MIL STD- Configuration Management (1992)

Keywords configuration management configuration management guidance MIL STD

4.1 Basic requirements.

The contractor shall implement an internal configuration management system for the control of all configuration documentation, physical media, and physical parts representing or comprising the product. For software, the system shall address the evolving developmental configuration and support environments (engineering, implementation and test) used to generate and test the product. The contractor’s configuration management system shall consist of the following elements:
a. Configuration identification.
b. Configuration control.
c. Configuration status accounting.
d. Configuration audits.

Contractors shall implement the requirements of this standard as identified in the contract statement of work (SOW) to CIS and shall insure compliance with those requirements by subcontractors.

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military standard
Defines standard
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1.1 Scope.
This standard defines configuration management requirements which are to be selectively applied, as required, throughout the life cycle of any configuration item (CI):
a. Developed wholly or partially with Government funds, including non-developmental items when the development of technical data is required to support off-the-shelf equipment or software, or
b. Designated for configuration management for reason of integration, logistics support, or interface control.

1.2 Applicability.
This standard applies to Department of Defense activities and contractors who are tasked with the application of configuration management.

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