MIL STD- Transportability Criteria

Keywords MIL STD transportability transportability criteria

4. General Requirements
4.1 DoD Engineering for Transportability Program

This program provides for the inclusion of transportability requirement in the design of end items of equipment obtained through the materiel acquisition program for military services.
Transportability is important throughout the acquisition cycle. However it is essential that transportability be considered at the beginning of the materiel acquisition cycle when the impact on design is the greatest. Transportability can have its greatest impact at the beginning of the acquisition cycle because costs for design changes are minimal them. It is easier and less costly to make changes to a conceptual design than it is to alter or retrofit actual hardware. Transportability is equally important in other stages of the acquisition cycle. The omission of transportability considerations during the middle or later stages of the cycle can negate all transportability efforts and advances made during the early stages.

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1.1 General
In accordance wit the DoD Engineering for Transportability Program, this standard establishes basic transportability criteria for use in the development and shipment of items of material. The standard covers dimensional and weight limitations for all modes of transport. It also covers slinging and tiedown provision, containerization criteria, overloads, assembly/disassembly air delivery shelter criteria, and transportability testing. This standard will allow material development and procurement activities to design military requirement to meet the transportability requirements of the various modes.

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